tHAT's rigHt- i'M 2 TOday!
dO YoU tHInk mAX WOUld NOticE IF i TOok One?
dADdy MAde THE besT hAMburGERs AND All she HAs iS fRUit?!?
mE? i'M a mEAtEAter.
OooOOo! gET TO opeN pREsENts!!! fINallY!
mE? i'M a mEAtEAter.
OooOOo! gET TO opeN pREsENts!!! fINallY!
tHAt'S my PUppY And auNtIE tIA anD gRANdPa
eSSie ANd kImbeRLy WerE hOggINg ThE tEetER totTEr
iT's sTIll sUMmeR ANd We had To stARt A fIRe!
lUcKY gRANdpA wAS tHEre To HElp sIMon...
tHE plAy-dOe wAs THe beST
tHEY TRieD to stEAl ONe of My CHairS!
tHAt'S my PUppY And auNtIE tIA anD gRANdPa
eSSie ANd kImbeRLy WerE hOggINg ThE tEetER totTEr
iT's sTIll sUMmeR ANd We had To stARt A fIRe!
lUcKY gRANdpA wAS tHEre To HElp sIMon...
tHE plAy-dOe wAs THe beST
tHEY TRieD to stEAl ONe of My CHairS!