
mY 2nD bIRtHDaY!

yEs! iTS mAX's BIRthdAy!!!
tHAT's rigHt- i'M 2 TOday!

dO YoU tHInk mAX WOUld NOticE IF i TOok One?

dADdy MAde THE besT hAMburGERs AND All she HAs iS fRUit?!?

mE? i'M a mEAtEAter.

OooOOo! gET TO opeN pREsENts!!! fINallY!



a NEw Hat!



tHAt'S my PUppY And auNtIE tIA anD gRANdPa

eSSie ANd kImbeRLy WerE hOggINg ThE tEetER totTEr

iT's sTIll sUMmeR ANd We had To stARt A fIRe!

lUcKY gRANdpA wAS tHEre To HElp sIMon...

tHE plAy-dOe wAs THe beST

tHEY TRieD to stEAl ONe of My CHairS!

tHEy jUST tALking grOWnUp sTUfF

DaDdy HAd tO blOw OUt ALL my cANDles... I jusT wANTeD To ToucH thEM... JeeZ

i BoNKed My Head FOr tHE 2Nd tIMe!!!! how dID I enD Up So kLuTzY?!

tHIs Is OUr frIEnd kImBERly. sHE's PRettY COol BUt i Got kiNDa jEAlouS WHEn MY daD Was giVINg HeR A piGGyBack rIDe...

tHEse aRE oUR new sILLy SOckS!! MINe is BEtter THAn eSteLL's! hAha

tHAnkS eVerYONe FOr alL MY preSENts and JUnk


Bus Party

One of my BFFs turned 21! And she had an awesome party! One of the best I've ever been to- rented a party bus, went bar hopping, and best yet- no drunken drama!
The night started out at Brooke's house, grillin' out and drinking!
Jonny and I look sooo hott!
Jello Shots!
~The Lovely Carmen~
Carmen, Brooke, and I in front of the Party Bus! Woot Woot
Brooke and Dane
My husband and I
Brooke opening presents!
Our men all dressed up! Two hottest guys there!

hehe I got cuffs in my gift bag!
Jonny should be a celebrity- seriously.

Stef sang "Going the Distance" by Cake- he has the most amazing voice!
I was wearing a dress I made and this super cute gay guy told me I should go on Project Runway!

Just had to make out in the Party Bus! hehe
Carmen, just back from Ecuador, should really consider modeling, I took so many pics of her!
Gotta love Cool Whip!
I had a bitch of time dancing in those stillettos but it didn't stop me!
Kevin Beck! Did you know he played at Warp Tour?!
~Thank you Brooke for the Best Party Ever~